. . . is pretty much where I have to reach back, to find my most recent post. Sorry about that; who knew the last two months of your kids' school would be so busy? I didn't know.
But the monsters have finished with academia for the year, so now it's a matter of swim lessons and playdates, with plenty of lazing-around time for good mental health. While they laze around, I intend to promote my mental health by knitting alot.
Well, there's nothing new there, really, except for the type of knitting - I've become completely enamoured of knitting lace shawlettes with sock yarn. Sock yarn is of course a known thing - skinny-ish yarn, sometimes with really interesting colors. But what is a shawlette? It is, of course, a small shawl - not one of those circular, pattern-every-row, 2000 yard ones. Those are still very scary. I like some of the triangular, smaller-scale ones, maybe with a lace border and non-lace or simple body. Just the thing for 400 yards or so of pretty sock yarn. Since I do have some sock yarn in stash, with very little prospect of ever making socks from it (my Wicked Witch socks have languished for over a year, worked on exactly twice while on two school field trips this year), it's promising to have some potential uses for the stuff.
Of course, I haven't actually used what I already own; no, I bought new yarn - Malabrigo Sock yarn. Previously, I hadn't thought that I really liked it - why did I need more sock yarn to sit unused in the cabinet? And weren't the colors a bit odd? My swap spoiler ended those misconceptions by sending me some in the purply-blue colorway Abril, which promptly became my first shawlette Ishbel, above.
And in my typical obsessive way, I've collected a few more colors to add to the stash in order to make sure I stay busy this summer. But not too busy to blog, 'kay?