So, as ever more yarn accumulates in my stash, I decided to ask for a wood swift from him for christmas. I even made him hold a skein of yarn while I wound it, just to demonstrate the need for such a thing. Fine; his friend even made one of these for some other friend, so there was a reference. I sent along some pics and specs, he asked a few questions, and there I was, hopeful.
Now, my brother is a perfectionist, and may possibly have some issues with finishing; a sadness at the end of a project, an attachment to his creations, I dont know. Christmas comes and we have a lovely day and dinner at my house, but no swift. He's making a few design improvements, waiting on a part, whatever.
In February I email to inquire, and he tells me that it's coming along beautifully, I'm going to be thrilled, almost done. "Almost done" is apparently a relative term, or he and I have differing interpretations, at least. March is a big month for us Malabrigo Junkies, so nervously I prod some more. Cut to the chase, the swift finally arrives and I ignore his instructions to call him first and just set the thing up and wind a ball. With my new ball winder I got for christmas, to use with the swift. Anyway, once I work out the right way to expand it so that it doesn't self-tighten itself to a stop, the thing is AWESOME! Now maybe I have one less reason to procrastinate about trying laceweight yarn.
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