Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Work In Progress Wednesday

Polygamous knitting tends to distract me, and not in a good way. Too many things on the needles means not enough FOs. If I have two or three things going, that's ideal; a design project, a mindless project, maybe something frivolous or spontaneous.

This week the lure of Sanguine Gryphon's luxurious Gaia Lace was overwhelming. I bought this skein as an afterthought at Stitches East last fall; surprising myself and my knitterly comrades - chartreuse is definitely NOT my usual sort of thing. Yes, it's cashmere & silk, and very lovely . . . but still; Neon? Really? And it's turning out to be just the thing for a lacy, lightweigh scarf.

That yarn just might have kicked off a mini chartreuse era, because later that winter I bought a delightful coat on eBay. One can never have too many coats, preferably not black.

Returning to the topic of WIPs, the colorwork trend continues with my beloved Malabrigo. Even corrugated ribbing is  a pleasure to knit with this yarn.

And, really, you can find just about any color you desire, thanks to Antonio's wonderful dyeing. Inspired by an ornate Ottoman pillar in warm golden tones? No problem; Tortuga and Applewood.

 So, two WIPs for this week, but there's a hat looming, and a capelet in the works. Must try to nudge that neon scarf up from 1 to 2 repeats per day.

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